Day 0
Day 00
I'm pretty conflicted about this decision to quit smoking. I've realised (with the help of Andy and Peisheng) that I'm going too fast on smoking. I'm now currently at ~8 sticks per day. This adds up to about $4.80 per day.
Hopefully I will be able to keep strong and hold on to whatever motivation that's in me to give it up. I'll list some things below that I will refer to again when my will is running low.
Basically, I will be writing a letter to myself to encourage future me to give up the sticks.
Hey Jerome,
It's Jerome of 20/1/2014. I know what you're thinking right now. You want a stick of IceBlast. Maybe you'll even settle for a BlackMenthol right now, who knows? Keep it up. You've laid off the sticks for a few days now(?) and I'm sure that you'll be able to keep it up.
Remember that time when you tried nofap? 18 days i believe. Jerome, you went 18 days without touching yourself. I'm sure you can give this up. Still not convinced? Think about your family - Mum doesn't know. Dad doesn't know. Brother is definitely not proud of me. Don't let them down once again. Even though this sounds cliche but you know that you love them. Don't puff that shit anymore Jerome. You've went x days without it, you can go for more.
Still not convinced? Let me remind you. As I'm typing this right now, I am craving for a smoke. Just a small cigarette that will give me euphoria. Smoke that sinus away. I'm sure when you're reading this Jerome, that feeling will intensify. Don't. Give. Up.
Jerome. You're not well to do. $12.10 every 2 days is not contributing to that. You owe people money and you know it. You feel bad. In fact, I'm feeling bad for you right now. $4.80 per day can result to $24 dollars a week. One month and you can save $92 dollars. Remember that sevenfriday watch that you want? I know man, I want it too. Here's a picture of it to motivate you. In fifteen months, you'll be able to pay for that by yourself. Think about it bro, a sevenfriday watch that you own, that you paid for.

Lastly, think about your friends. If you're craving it to the point where you're willing to give up sevenfriday, think about your friends man. They genuinely care about you. I know, social smoking is fine yadayada. You started off as a social smoker right? What the fuck happened along the way man? You smoked 18 sticks just last friday.
Don't go back down the same path. Don't take a stick to congratulate yourself man. No. Excuses. If you're bored play tiny tower or dragonsvale. You know you hate the second hand smoke smell.
If you smoke you'll cover your own scent Jerome. What the point of spraying cologne when you go school then? I can assure you (not really) that you will smell better if you stop smoking you nut.
Your chapped lips? I'm pretty sure that they'll go away if you stop.
Please think about it again Jerome. Is it worth it giving up the x days of effort that you've put in to stop smoking just for a quick high? Let me tell you this - the more I'm typing the more hyped that I become. I hope that when you read this you will feel what I'm feeling right now, and that you will not succumb to that fucking stick of nicotine.
Much love as always,
Jerome as of 20/1/2014
okie edit: Jerome when you're out with friends/partying you can smoke but not so much k heh
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